Dressing for Success

Even though vending is a simple, laid-back business, the importance of looking professional cannot be understated. It is not expected for you to wear suit and tie. That would be overdoing it, and that “look” would actually make things backfire.

Dressing in business casual is strongly suggested for maximum results. Save the torn-up jeans and wrinkled t-shirt for your free time when you are not working. As you are starting a vending business, you will want to make sure you put your best foot forward, and that means no flip flops!

Everybody has strong points that they can accentuate. Putting on a nice shirt button-up or polo shirt is another very good professional step that will make you look positive all the way.

Dressing the part is also good for programming your mental psyche. The feeling of putting on work clothes puts you in motion for success. It’s like getting into character for a movie star or actor.

By setting yourself apart from everyone else, chances are you will be able to get into those extra profitable accounts while your competitors are left in the dust.

Whether you are doing soda machines, bulk candy vending or simple honor boxes, these common sense rules apply.

These days, there’s quite a few competitors that do not behave professionally. You will have a great advantage over them by following these simple rules and dressing for success!